A guide to targeted exercises for a pain-free upper body.
Downward-Facing Dog is a yoga pose that helps to stretch and strengthen the entire body. To perform this pose, start by placing your palms firmly on the floor and bending your knees slightly. Shift your weight back onto your heels and lift your chest. Press through your fingertips and lift your palms off the ground, keeping your elbows at right angles. It's important to keep your shoulders relaxed and directly over your ears while holding this pose. You can hold it for three to five breaths before switching to the other side.

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Another pose that can help alleviate head, neck, and back pain is the trapezius and rhomboids stretch. To perform this pose, place your hands on your hips and press your palms firmly into the ground. Straighten your legs so that your thighs are parallel with one another, and lean backward, placing a hand on the floor behind your back or on a wall. Hold this pose for five to 10 breaths, depending on your tolerance, and repeat on the other side. This pose targets the trapezius and rhomboid muscles in the upper back and shoulders.