The level may seem a bit confusing at first, simply as I'm adding and removing elements as I want.
As you start to get the hang of it you'll find that certain areas fit together well and others don't. This is a good level of the parkour in terms of movement, and I find it quite hard when I play it against my self! I have no particular tips on how to beat this level, because it's pretty much full of jumping and turning circles, but

I'd like to give you my impression of this map so far and how it compared to the other harder ones. On that note, I'll also leave some hints in here, but if you are really stuck, I'd recommend you play a few of the other harder maps first. I'm a huge fan of this level, it is probably the map that I use the most, but I also have a few others in my favourites. There are a lot of different places where you can access this level, as soon as you see all the boxes by the water, you are good as gold, go from the water in, then keep on jumping, just turn a couple of times and you'll be there. This level also has a few hard areas, but nothing impossible. The hardest part is probably getting from the box all the way to the next one, but even that is fairly easy.
🐎 🤐 🦈
The best way to do it would be to turn when you feel about to get stuck, as then you'll easily see what direction to turn in. This is one of the few parkour maps in which I actually don't give you any hints to the best possible solution for this map. That's because this level has no one possible solution, there's probably a different one for each person who tries to beat it.